Unable to start ReportScheduler service.
The Oblicore - ReportsScheduler Service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs.
Error in the T_log:
Caught COM ERROR in operation EXECUTE ( delete from T_Schedules where Schedule_Id in (<SCHEDULE_ID
>)) [ORA-02292: integrity constraint (OBLICORE.FK_REPORT_GALLERY_SCHEDULE_ID) violated - child record found (HR: 0x80040e14) (IDispatch error #3092) (Source = OraOLEDB)][(Error #80040e14) (Source = OraOLEDB) (Description = ORA-02292: integrity constraint (OBLICORE.FK_REPORT_GALLERY_SCHEDULE_ID) violated - child record found) (NativeError: 8f4)][Run]
BSI - 8.3.05
The issue can be fixed by deleting the report using the schedule_id reported in the T_log.
delete from t_report_galleries where schedule_id in (<SCHEDULE_ID>)
delete from t_schedules where Schedule_Id in (<SCHEDULE_ID>)
delete from t_schedules_status where schedule_id in (<SCHEDULE_ID>)
After deleting the report start the service and this time it should be up and running.
Note: Please make sure to take a full backup of the DB before performing the delete operation.