Unable to migrate from NVDS to VDS, APPLY_TOPOLOGY gets FAILED
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Unable to migrate from NVDS to VDS, APPLY_TOPOLOGY gets FAILED


Article ID: 372195


Updated On:


VMware NSX


  • During NVDS to CVDS migration, precheck_status is APPLY_TOPOLOGY_FAILED
    Note: You can get this status via the GET https://<nsx-mgr>/api/v1/nvds-urt/status-summary/<precheck-id> API call.

  • In the nsxapi.log on the NSX manager node, you see messages similar to the following:

    2024-06-27T17:36:52.113Z ERROR NvdsUpgradeTaskExecutor1 DVPortgroupOperation 4393 SWITCHING [nsx@6876 comp="nsx-manager" errorCode="MP9701" level="ERROR" subcomp="manager"] Create nsx portgroup failed for vds: dvs-331122 on vc ##.##.##.## : VC operation failed : A specified parameter was not correct: spec.shaper.averageBandwidth,
    com.vmware.nsx.management.lcm.vc.soap.exceptions.CmFabricVcOperationFailedException: VC operation failed : A specified parameter was not correct: spec.shaper.averageBandwidth


VMware NSX-T Data Center versions prior to


This issue happens during NVDS to CVDS migration. If you have the QOS profile configured with traffic shaping values greater that 2047 Mb/sec and when the Segment used in vmk install mappings have this QOS profile attached to it, during port group creation, you see this issue.




  1. Update the Qos profile by changing the values greater than 2047 to 2047.
  2. Run apply topology with the same payload as before:

    POST https://{{server_ip}}/api/v1/nvds-urt/topology?action=apply

  3. After applying the topology, please check nvds-urt status-sumary using below rest-api

    GET https://<nsx_manager_ip>/api/v1/nvds-urt/status-summary/<precheck_id>

    The response should have precheck_status as READY and overall_state for migration_state for each transport node as UPGRADE_READY.

  4. Change the traffic shaping policies on VC on the created PortGroup to the desired value as below:

    Select Portgroup -> click on configure -> select policies from settings -> EDIT -> select Traffic Shaping -> Modify values -> Save the configuration.

  5. If precheck_status is READY in step-3, then trigger NVDS to CVDS migration for individual transport node using below rest-api.
    Note: Please try to trigger NVDS to CVDS migration for only one host first. If succeeded, then trigger NVDS to CVDS migration for rest of the hosts one by one.

    POST https://<nsx_manager_ip>/api/v1/transport-nodes/<tn_id>?action=migrate_to_vds