An introduction to and common items when triaging Mediation Manager problems
All supported releases of DX NetOps Mediation Manager
What does Mediation Manager do?
DXMM allows for the integration of non-SNMP metrics into Performance Management
– Data capture and processing is done by an Engine (also called a DevicePack)
There is a Multi-controller (MC) that is the manager and hosts the web ui. (Usually installed on the Portal)
There is a Local controller (LC) that hosts the engines and polls for the data (usually installed on a DC)
Where do I find the installation logs?
What version of CAMM am I using?
How do I check if services are running?
How do I start and stop services?
Start CAMM
Note - startall can be used to start one component, even if the others are already running.
How do I stop or start the services of the individual components of DX Mediation Manager?
Execute the following command to start the services of a component:
$CAMM_HOME/tools/startall -c <component>
Execute the following command to stop the services of a component:
$CAMM_HOME/tools/stopall -c <component>
Where $CAMM_HOME is the installation directory and <component> is GE, MC, LC, or WEB.
Example: $CAMM_HOME/tools/stopall -c MC
How do I access the WebUI?
http://hostname:8880 or https://hostname:8443
Defaults are user- admin pass - camm
What are the log files that are needed to begin troubleshooting?
Collect at least the following files:
Under /opt/CA/CAMM/, the MC, LC, DS, GE_*, and WEBCAMM directories all have a logs subdirectory with pertinent logs
NOTE: The following command will only grab some of the files dependent on whether it is run on a MC or LC
To compress the logs together and gather them:
tar cvf /opt/CA/CAMM/cammLogs.tar /opt/CA/CAMM/MC/logs/*log /opt/CA/CAMM/LC/logs/*log /opt/CA/CAMM/DS/logs/*log /opt/CA/CAMM/GE_*/logs/*log
For the Engine issues:
/opt/CA/CAMM/COMPONENTS/<devPackName>/logs contains the log files, collect all of them
/opt/CA/CAMM/COMPONENTS/PRESENTER_*/logs contains the log files, collect all of them
Collect any NMS related log files:
In Performance Management on the Data Collector, there is /opt/IMDataCollector/apache-karaf/data/log/ems.log
Note: Remote Engineer ( on the DC will collect all DC logs.
Some Common Issues and Situations:
Issue: Cannot access the CAMM Web GUI
1. Unable to connect
2. Browser can't establish a connection to the server at hostname:8880.
3. Check if the process is running with ps command and start the web service with startall
# ps -ef |grep -i webcamm
root 2899 30690 0 19:24 pts/5 00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i webcamm
root 16675 1 0 2023 ? 03:14:37 /opt/CA/jre/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/opt/CA/CAMM/WEBCAMM/conf/ -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.apache.catalina.webresources -Dignore.endorsed.dirs= -classpath /opt/CA/CAMM/WEBCAMM/bin/bootstrap.jar:/opt/CA/CAMM/WEBCAMM/bin/tomcat-juli.jar -Dcatalina.base=/opt/CA/CAMM/WEBCAMM -Dcatalina.home=/opt/CA/CAMM/WEBCAMM org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start
Note: Startall can be used if other processes are running, just the ones that are stopped will restart. You will see a warning that the port is already occupied for those already running
# /opt/CA/CAMM/tools/startall
WARNING: port 29560 occupied, could not start GE at /opt/CA/CAMM/GE_root
WARNING: port 29599 occupied, could not start MC at /opt/CA/CAMM/MC
INFO: Starting WEB at port 8880
Issue: No files are being processed to Performance Manager
Enable TRACE for all "ems" lines in DC pax logging file
This will leave behind the processed files sent from CAMM. This way you can redo things and see if CAMM even sends a file with those timestamps during the missing hour