Azure Error Code: PropertyChangeNotAllowed, Message: Changing property '' is not allowed
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Azure Error Code: PropertyChangeNotAllowed, Message: Changing property '' is not allowed


Article ID: 372179


Updated On: 07-15-2024


VMware Aria Suite


When provisioning a machine with multiple disks to Azure the deployment fails with the following error:

Azure Error Code: PropertyChangeNotAllowed, Message: Changing property '' is not allowed


Using the name attribute for a cloud volume can lead to an issue in the order of operations when provisioning to Azure

When the disks are provisioned before the machine, which is the case during Aria Automation provisioning,  the name of the disk is passed in the machine provisioning blueprint andthe mechanism tries sometime to modify it and it fails.

having the name property set explicitly causes the failures. 


remove the name attribute in the cloud volume resource