Updating Blueprint of Objective Instance Using an Auto Start Process Fails
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Updating Blueprint of Objective Instance Using an Auto Start Process Fails


Article ID: 372174


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


Steps to Reprodue:-

1. Login to Modern UX.
2. Navigate to Administration -> Blueprints. Create a copy of the Standard Objective Blueprint and name it as "Test Objective".
3. Navigate to Classic UI -> Administration -> Processes.
4. Create a new process and select OKR Objective in the objects page. 
5. under start options, select "Auto Start" and Event as "Create".
6. Under Start step Click on New -> System Action. Populate the name and ID of the action.
7. Under System Action section, select Action as Set Blueprint and select the "Test Objective" blueprint in the blueprint Lookup.
8. Validate and activate the process.
9. Navigate to Modern UX and Create a new Objective.

Expected Results :- Objective is created and Process updates the Blueprint.
Actual Results :- Objective is created but the Process instance fails with Error "BPM-0522: Internal Process Engine Error. Contact your site administrator (Error executing action)"


Clarity PPM 16.2.2


Logs show an Error as below.

com.niku.union.odf.exception.ODFServiceException: An exception occurred while trying to update an object instance okr_objective

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: "this._originalData" is null


This is logged as DE94904 and is under engineering review.