"Error code 500127" when creating a NAT rule on NSX-T backed OVDC in VMware Cloud Director
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"Error code 500127" when creating a NAT rule on NSX-T backed OVDC in VMware Cloud Director


Article ID: 372116


Updated On:


VMware Cloud Director


  • While trying to create a NAT Rule in an Org VDC backed by NSX-T, it fails with below error in VMware Cloud Director: 

    ERROR: [ cxxxxxx6-3xx4-xxxf-axx6-09xxxxxx7 ] Internal Server Error - java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.vmware.vcloud.common.network.VsmException: Bad Request: Cannot create an object with path=[/infra/services/VCD-INTERNAL-TCP-1433] as it already exists., error code 500127

Note: In this case the NAT rule is being created with port number 1433


VMware Cloud Director 10.x


  • This issue happens when the application port profile created as part of the NAT rule is not available anymore in the vCD DB. However, it is present in the NSX-T Manager. 
  • This issue can also be seen when application port profiles being out of sync between vCD and NSX-T.


  • Check if the corresponding NAT rule is present in the vCD database:
    • Connect to vCD database from the primary cell: sudo -su postgres psql vcloud 
    • Run the query to check the availability of NAT rule: select * from application_port_profile where backing_path like '/infra/services/VCD-INTERNAL-TCP-1433';
  • If the output of the above db command returns nothing, sync the application port profiles between vCD and NSX-T using vCD API:

PUT https://vcd_host/cloudapi/1.0.0/applicationPortProfiles/sync?filter=networkProviderId==URN_ID_OF_NSXT_MANAGER 

  • How to establish an API connection to VMware Cloud Director, click here