Job results not showing up in the Aria Config Activity Center
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Job results not showing up in the Aria Config Activity Center


Article ID: 372102


Updated On:


VMware Aria Suite


Users noticing that the Aria Config UI loads slowly in general and that job results do not come back in the UI


Aria Config 8.12+


Aria Config, or Tanzu Salt comes with several examples of jobs to demonstrate some of it's capabilities out of the box. One job is called "Enable Presence Beacon". Running this job configures a beacon to run on the Salt minion every 10 minutes by default, unless the user changes the interval. This means that any given Salt is then receiving a number of events equal to n times the number of minions connected to the Salt master every 10 minutes. The Salt master is then pushing these events to Aria Config for processing. This may cause performance issues in large environments when not scaled to handle this load properly.


Address this immediately by temporarily disabling all beacons on all minions from the Salt master using the following command

# salt -t 60 \* beacons.disable

Although you may need to give this a few minutes to have affect, or need to run the command multiple times if you see timeouts from the minutes, this should reduce the load on the master enough to either reconfigure the beacon with a more appropriate interval (recommend 1 hour, or whatever the raas_presence_expiration option is set to in the RaaS daemon).

1. Run the command above from your Salt master, or Salt masters to temporarily disable the beacon immediately and reduce load

A response of [not connected] or [No response] from the minion indicates that you may need to re-run the command as the previous command may have timed out. Once you are getting most minions to respond, then proceed to the next step.

2. Update the "Enable Presence Beacon" job to use a more appropriate setting for the beacon interval and save the changes.

3. Run the job on all minions to re-enable the beacon on all minions with the new interval setting.


If you find that your environment is still performing slowly, then please contact support for further guidance.