autorep -Y FW to show File Watcher jobs gives error "CAUAJM_E_50199 Invalid Job Type: FW <job type does not exist>"
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autorep -Y FW to show File Watcher jobs gives error "CAUAJM_E_50199 Invalid Job Type: FW <job type does not exist>"


Article ID: 372087


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Autosys Workload Automation


Attempt to use autorep to report job information for a specific job type, File Watcher for example, gives error: 

autorep -qj ALL -y FW
CAUAJM_E_50199 Invalid Job Type: FW <job type does not exist>


-y option for autorep works for custom (user defined) job types created in Autosys.  This option is not for out of the box job types that exist in Autosys installation.


  • To obtain jobnames of a specific job type, some scripting around autorep is needed. Below is an example for Unix (Windows platform would require appropriate scripting/parsing)
autorep -J ALL -q | grep -i "job_type: FW" | grep insert_job | awk '{print $2}'
# above shows job names of type File Watcher
autorep -J ALL -q | grep -i "job_type: CMD" | grep insert_job | awk '{print $2}'
#this is for Command job names
  • If Autosys Web Server (AEWS) is being used, a GET call like this would get details of all File Watcher jobs in Autosys:
Output for this would be someting like: 
<self href="https://AutosysWebServerURL:9443/AEWS/job/ABC_DLY_FW" rel="self"/>
<self href="https://1AutosysWebServerURL:9443/AEWS/job?filter=jobtype==fw" rel="self"/>

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