ESXi hosts booting from SD card (Note: SD Card revised guidance) may experience single image managed cluster remediation failures.
Remediation of cluster failed:
Remediation failed for Host : <esxi_hostname>
<esxi_hostname> - Failed to remediate host
In the lifecycle.log located at /var/run/log you see the following:
Er(11) lifecycle[3504558]: imagemanagerctl:101 esximage.Errors.InstallationError: VMware_locker_tools-light_12.3.5.22544099-23305545: Error while waiting for untar process '['/bin/tar', 'xzf', '-', '-C', '/locker/packages/']': Timeout (30 seconds) expired waiting for output from command '['/bin/tar', 'xzf', '-', '-C', '/locker/packages/']', pid '3504817'.
Due to performance issues on SD card level the untar process may fail due to time out.
A combination of two workarounds may be needed to solve this issue:
Workaround 1:
Increase the timeout value of the untar process in the
vsish -e set /config/VisorFS/intOpts/VisorFSPristineTardisk 0
cp /lib64/python3.8/site-packages/vmware/esximage/Installer/ /tmp/backup/
cp /tmp/backup/ /tmp/backup/
chmod 777 /tmp/backup/
def close(self, timeout=30): <<<<<< i to Insert change this value to 60
'''Close untar stream and wait for process completion.
* timeout - the amount of time in seconds, to wait for output
or completion of the process.
mv /tmp/backup/ /lib64/python3.8/site-packages/vmware/esximage/Installer/
vsish -e set /config/VisorFS/intOpts/VisorFSPristineTardisk 1
Workaround 2:
esxcli software component apply -n VMware-VM-Tools:tools_version -d <pathtodepotzip>
Example:esxcli software component apply -n VMware-VM-Tools: -d <pathtodepotzip>