PCK UTF-8 for MS SQL Server fails if Language not set to English
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PCK UTF-8 for MS SQL Server fails if Language not set to English


Article ID: 372054


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


When launching the  PCK.AUTOMIC_UTF-8 on a source MS SQL Server that was installed on a language other than English, it always fails on the Jobs PCK.AUTOMIC_UTF-8.MIG-SETP03.SUPPORT.NOILM.SRC with the error below


This occurs on the call to the Vara PCK.AUTOMIC_UTF-8.MIG.SQLI.GET.START.AH_IDNR.SRC, it fails complaining about the conversion of the varchar into datetime as the Jobs passes the value that is 1997-02-22 (it comes from PCK.AUTOMIC_UTF-8.MIG.SQLI.GET.SRC.START.DATE)

To troubleshoot this, we simply had to preview the Vara SQLi with the bindpar set to "1997-02-22" or launch the equivalent query directly on SQL Server Studio while being connected to the source database:

select coalesce((select max(AH_IDNR) as AH_IDNR_START from AH where ah_timestamp4 <= '1997-02-22'),
                 (select min(ah_idnr) from ah)

This will fail and will produce the following error depending on the MS SQL Server language:

German error in MS SQL Server:

Bei der Konvertierung eines varchar-Datentyps in einen datetime-Datentyp liegt der Wert außerhalb des gültigen Bereichs

French error in MS SQL Server:

La conversion d'un type de données varchar en type de données datetime a créé une valeur hors limites.

Spanish error in MS SQL Server:

La conversión del tipo de datos varchar en datetime produjo un valor fuera de intervalo.


Package.UTF8.DB.Migration 1.0.3 for MS SQL Server




Workaround 1:

Ask your DBA to change the default Language to English for the user/database used in the Connection Object.

Workaround 2:

Edit the failing JOBS from the folder 


Adding the following as first line:

set language english;


This problem is currently being worked on by Engineering and the planned fix delivery method will be communicated ASAP

Additional Information

Defect ID: DE609568