Adding a custom DLL to preboot configuration
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Adding a custom DLL to preboot configuration


Article ID: 372049


Updated On: 07-12-2024


Ghost Solution Suite


You are trying to mount a custom DLL to preboot configuration.


GSS 3.3 RUx


Modifying startup.bat and adding the necessary command(s) is not part of what we can assist directly since it is a customization.

What you can do is to modify the startup.bat and include the necessary command to mount the custom DLL  (in this example, it is called mobilenetworking.dll)

  1. Copy the desired DLL file into a preboot configuration (open "Boot Disk Creator", right-click on configuration name > Add > file )

    Edit the startup.bat file and add the script to mount a dll.

    Something like this (but it is up-to the customer to find the right command and proper script):

    Regsvr32 /S "%File%\mobilenetworking.dll" 

    Note: If the files are not in a folder but in the same structure as startup.bat that will be at the root of X:\ when the preboot is compiled.

  3. Recompile the preboot configuration.