Top Secret Equivalent Of RACF Database Initialization Utility Program IRRMIN00
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Top Secret Equivalent Of RACF Database Initialization Utility Program IRRMIN00


Article ID: 372044


Updated On: 07-12-2024


Top Secret


As part of the upgrade to z/OS V2.5, there is an ACTION to upgrade the RACF Templates by running PGM=IRRMIN00,PARM=UPDATE. From the z/OS 2.5 workflow:

To ensure that the RACF utilities function properly, use the IRRMIN00 utility to update the test and production RACF databases with the database templates for the current release level.

Is there an equivalent action needed for Top Secret?


The database templates and the IRRMIN00 program are concepts specific to RACF that do not have equivalents in Top Secret. So no action is needed in Top Secret for this.