Details: [ xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx ] Failed to delete object "cluster-name" and its dependencies. - Failed to purge object "cluster-name". - Internal Server Error - ValidationException DELETE_COMPUTEHUBSET_CONTAINING_VRPS
VMware Cloud Director
In the cluster backing the deleted Provider VDC, one or more resource pool(s) for Org VDC(s) is/are present.
The Org VDC delete failed previously and is seen in the Stranded Items UI.
Delete the Org VDC which is part of the Provider VDC to be deleted from the Stranded Items.
Once the Org VDC is removed successfully, delete the Provider VDC from the Stranded Items UI.
Please refer the article 371965 if Org VDC deletion fails with the error "Internal Server Error - ValidationException DELETE_VRP_CONTAINING_VMS".