The $SPECROOT/custom/svdsk/config/nim-mappings-config.xml file on the OneClick system is configured to send the model name to Service Now and populate the CI field in the trouble ticket.
This is working in the test environment but it is not working in the production environment.
After enabling the "NIM Polling Services" and "Service Desk Integration" debugging in the OneClick Administration -> Debugging -> Web Server Debug Page (Runtime) page, the following is seen in the $SPECROOT/tomcat/logs/stdout.log (Windows) or catalina.out (Linux).
WARNING - ServiceDeskIntegrationManager : Tomcat not started yet
Jun 03, 2024 14:06:43.361 (http-nio-80-exec-24) (NIMRestClient) - No attribute custom mappings set in payload
Version: Spectrum 23.3.6 and below
Component: Service Desk Integration
This issue has been addressed in Spectrum 23.3.7 and later
As a work around: