Support bundle is failing to create
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Support bundle is failing to create


Article ID: 371951


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Application Service


Generating a support bundle fails and below error can be seeing in /var/log/opsmanager/production.log


I, [2024-07-01T21:53:00.126722 #1141]  INFO -- : [ActiveJob] [CreateSupportBundleJob] [########-450f-4d2a-b0e2-ac7fc32fdc79] Unlocking worker
E, [2024-07-01T21:53:00.126992 #1141] ERROR -- : [ActiveJob] [CreateSupportBundleJob] [########-450f-4d2a-b0e2-ac7fc32fdc79] Connection refused - connect(2) for /var/tempest/run/unlock.sock
E, [2024-07-01T21:53:00.129485 #1141] ERROR -- : [ActiveJob] [CreateSupportBundleJob] [########-450f-4d2a-b0e2-ac7fc32fdc79] Error performing CreateSupportBundleJob (Job ID: ########-450f-4d2a-b0e2-ac7fc32fdc79) from DelayedJob(default) in 4.06ms: Errno::ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused - connect(2) for /var/tempest/run/unlock.sock):
/home/tempest-web/tempest/web/app/models/use_cases/unlock_server.rb:17:in `initialize'
/home/tempest-web/tempest/web/app/models/use_cases/unlock_server.rb:17:in `new'
/home/tempest-web/tempest/web/app/models/use_cases/unlock_server.rb:17:in `unlock_worker'


 This is a known issue and it's documented in the Ops Mananager 3.0.x release notes.

[Bug Fix] Clean up sockets after Ops Manager crash to prevent Support Bundle from failing to generate

There is a workaround which consist of removing /var/tempest/run/unlock.sock and restart tempest-web (sudo service tempest-web stop && sudo service tempest-web start)

For a permanent fix, upgrade to Ops man 3.0.29.