This article introduces how to install and configure Aria Operations for Logs Agent on vCenter Server for cfapi with SSL.
Download/Install RPM package:
https://<Aria Operations for Logs IP or FQDN>/admin/agents
", click "Download VMware Aria Operations for Logs Agent version 8.x
" button then select "Linux RPM (32-bit/64-bit)
" file to download;rpm -ivh <Aria Operations for Logs Agent RPM file>
" to install Aria Operations for Logs agent on vCenter Server;Download Certificate from Aria Operations for Logs on vCenter Server:
openssl s_client -showcerts -servername <Aria Operations for Logs Address or Hostname> -connect <Aria Operations for Logs Address or Hostname>:9543 2>/dev/null </dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > /etc/ssl/certs/aria-ops-logs.pem
Copy Agent Configuration for log forwarding:
https://<Aria Operations for Logs IP or FQDN>/contentpack?contentPackId=com.vmware.vsphere
vSphere 7.0 - vCenter (Linux)
"Configure Aria Operations for Logs Agent on vCenter Server (All commands in this chapter are executed on vCenter Server):
systemctl stop liagentd.service
cp /etc/liagent.ini /etc/liagent.ini.bak
vi /etc/liagent.ini
hostname=<Aria Operations for Logs IP or Hostname>
. You can also remove those part that doesn't need to be forwarded to Aria Operations for Logs/etc/liagent.ini
.systemctl start liagentd.service
With all configuration above done, vCenter Server can forward log to Aria Operations for Logs as the picture below with link "https://<Aria Operations for Logs>/admin/agents":