Update Baseline on Summary task updates baseline for all sub-tasks that have updated dates
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Update Baseline on Summary task updates baseline for all sub-tasks that have updated dates


Article ID: 371865


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Clarity PPM On Premise


 If tasks in a phase have their finish date updated, and then only choosing to baseline certain tasks, all tasks with updated finish date in the phase  get updated baseline dates if the summary task is also chosen to re-baseline.



1. Use a gantt that has summary tasks with more than two sub tasks
2. Baseline the project under Project /Baselines
3. Open the gantt and choose one phase (summary task) and update the finish date on all the sub-tasks to the same new finish date
4. In Gantt, select the summary task and a task or two that you want to rebaseline, but not all the sub-tasks.
5. Update the baseline for the selected tasks

Expected Result:  Summary task and selected task will have updated baseline finish

Actual Result: All sub-tasks under the summary task that has updated finish date get updated baseline finish


Workaround:  The only option if you need to rebaseline the summary task may be since it appears if other task finish dates have not changed they will not re-baseline when the summary task is done.  Update tasks you want to re-baseline first and then update the finish on the other tasks.  


Reported as DE116134 and determined this is working as designed. When you request a baseline on a summary task the child tasks of the summary are also baselined. This has been working like this since the inception of the UpdateTaskBaseline function


If a change to this functionality is needed by your organization please submit an enhancement request to Product Management.

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