Software Policy Evaluation only during a period of time
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Software Policy Evaluation only during a period of time


Article ID: 371860


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


Software Policy evaluation could be configured to be executed every 24 hours at 11pm.
But in case of problem with some plugins like PolMan (Software Delivery manager: policy manager (sdmgr_pm)), the evaluation could be delayed and SD jobs may be created and activated during the business day causing some production problems.
How to prevent the evaluation of Software Policies during some specific period of times during the day ? For example allow only Software Policy evaluation between 22:00 and 06:00


Client Automation - All Versions


  1. Unseal Configuration Policy applied on Domain Manager
    and go under DSM/Common Components/Calendars

  2. Click New to create a new Calendar. Give it a name (ex: Eval_Pol)

  3. Click on Calendar Ranges tab. Click New to create a new calendar Range.
    Give a name : Week_Night
    Type = All Weekdays
    Time Range = 00:00-06:00
    Status = Included

    Create another Range for the week evening :

    Name = Week_Evening
    Type = All Weekdays
    Time Ranges = 22:00-00:00

    If needed 2 similar "Calendar Ranges" could be created for the Week

  4. Click on Calendars tab, and select the Calendar Ranges :

  5. Click OK and seal the configuration policy to apply the changes on Domain Manager

  6. Unseal a Software Policy. Open the properties and go in Evaluation tab.
    Enter the name of calendar in "Unicenter Calendar"

  7. Seal the Software Policy.

When Software Policy is evaluated by Policy Manager, the specified calendar is checked. It the date/time matches with current date/time, the Software Policy is evaluated.

In above example, the Software Policy could only be evaluated every day between 22:00 and 06:00 and not during the day between 06:00 and 22:00

Additional Information

When it is not ok due to calendar time ranges, there are these lines in TRC_USD_POLMAN*.log :

PolMan |PM:00 |task.cxx     |000347|INFO | Task B4C28FA1-90EC-4DA7-BA54-2D3DAE7A82CD (Evaluation): Is activated
PolMan |PM:00 |calendar.cxx |000125|INFO | Check on calendar Eval_Pol
PolMan |PM:00 |calendar.cxx |000245|INFO | Calendar Time: 15:11 07/10/2024
PolMan |PM:00 |calendar.cxx |000158|INFO | CheckCalendarStatus returned: 0
PolMan |PM:00 |calendar.cxx |000226|INFO | Calendar returned: Date is on but time is off
PolMan |PM:00 |task.cxx     |000347|INFO | Task B4C28FA1-90EC-4DA7-BA54-2D3DAE7A82CD (Evaluation): Evaluation not allowed. Calendar is off


When it is ok, there are these lines in TRC_USD_POLMAN*.log :

PolMan |PM:00 |task.cxx     |000347|INFO | Task 8CB3DF30-5F83-4D76-9DD3-29508EA11492 (Evaluation): Is activated
PolMan |PM:00 |calendar.cxx |000125|INFO | Check on calendar Eval_Pol
PolMan |PM:00 |calendar.cxx |000245|INFO | Calendar Time: 16:20  07/10/2024
PolMan |PM:00 |calendar.cxx |000158|INFO | CheckCalendarStatus returned: 0
PolMan |PM:00 |calendar.cxx |000226|INFO | Calendar returned: Time and date is on