The Modern UX Documents module on the project blueprint does not have a scrollbar. If the folder tree is large and is expanded and/or the number of documents uploaded to a single folder do not fit on the page, the bottom items are hidden at the bottom of the screen
1. Login to MUX
2. Add the Documents module to a project blueprint
3. Link the blueprint to a project
4. Navigate to the project Documents module
5. Create a large folder structure and expand all nodes
6. When the number of folders does not fit on the page, the bottom ones will get hidden at the bottom of the screen
7. Add a large number of documents to the same folder
8. As the number of documents exceeds the page size, the bottom ones will get hidden at the bottom of the screen
Expected Results: A scrollbar to be present on the documents module to navigate through the folder/ documents
Actual Results A scrollbar is not present and can not navigate through all folders or documents
Sometimes a scroll bar might appear but does not allow you to scroll down to the lowest set of folders and documents. When the scrollbar is present it does not work as it should
Clarity 16.2.1, 16.2.2
This is caused by DE116125
This is fixed in 16.2.3