Generating Web Service client code from Advanced Authentication WSDL files using Apache CXF framework
Symantec Advanced Authentication 9.1.x
Apache CXF 3.5.8
JDK 1.8.x
To generate web service client code using Apache CXF framework, changes has been made to 9.1.5 OOTB WSDL files. Our recommendation is to apply the patch Symantec-AdvAuth-9.1.5-DE607464-WSDL-ApacheCxf and use the modified WSDL files only to generate web service client code using Apache CXF. The patch can be downloaded from the KB article as well.
Below error can be resolved by adding an option/flag "-validate=none" in wsdl2java command while generating the stubs:
WSDLToJavaError: Non-unique body parts! In a port, operations must have unique operationsignatures on the wire for successful dispatching. In port {}IssuanceAPISOAP12Port,operations "{}DisableCustomCredential"and "{}FetchCustomCredential"have the same request body block {}CustomRequest
example: wsdl2java -validate=none -encoding utf-8 -d . "C:\Program Files\CA\AdvAuth\wsdls\admin\ArcotRiskFortAdminWebService.wsdl"