Trying to download the version xx.x.x.xxxxxxxx but the portal only shows the xx.x.x.xxxx-xxxxxxxx.
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Trying to download the version xx.x.x.xxxxxxxx but the portal only shows the xx.x.x.xxxx-xxxxxxxx.


Article ID: 371803


Updated On: 07-10-2024


VMware Cloud Director


Unable to find the product download file from the support portal with the version build number xx.x.x.xxxxxxxx


VMware Cloud Director


There are no issue with the different build numbers seen as both the numbers point to the same version. As seen from the release notes:

Please refer to the KB 325479 for a complete list of Cloud Director versions available.


For installs/upgrades, you need the build number (marked 1 in the image) as seen from the release notes.

In the UI, you see the installed build number(marked 2 in the image).

Proceed with downloading the product download file having the 'build' number and complete the installation/upgrade.