Collect required logs when vCenter upgrade is failed
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Collect required logs when vCenter upgrade is failed


Article ID: 371796


Updated On:


VMware vCenter Server 7.0 VMware vCenter Server 6.0


When a vCenter Server upgrade fails, we need to collect the required information in order to investigate the root cause of the issue.


VMware vCenter Server 6.5

VMware vCenter Server 6.7

VMware vCenter Server 7.x


 Prior to reverting to the snapshot:

  1. Please capture a screenshot of the error
  1. Navigate to the windows machine where the vCenter Server upgrade was attempted. Locate the following directory:


  1. If stage 1 completed successfully, proceed to newly deployed vCenter Server VM.
  1. Initiate a Putty session and execute ‘vm-support’ command.

Important: Please revert to the snapshot taken prior to the vCenter Server upgrade attempt to recover the vCenter Server.

When using multiple vCenters in the same Single Sign on Domain (Enhanced Linked Mode), there is high potential of corruption of the domain if no offline snapshots are taken of all nodes before the changes. 

If a change must be reverted, all nodes of the Enhanced Linked Mode domain have to be restored back to this offline/consistent snapshot. All nodes must be reverted to the snapshots first, before powering any on. 

For more information please refer to KB article:

After reverting to the snapshot: 

  1. Initiate a Putty session to source vCenter Server and execute ‘vm-support’ command.
  1. Please submit a support case by following the steps outlined in the KB article:

Additional Information

Please upload the logs to support case by following the steps outlined in the KB article