Convert Idea with different Billing Currency and Using Template Error
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Convert Idea with different Billing Currency and Using Template Error


Article ID: 371767


Updated On: 07-09-2024


Clarity PPM SaaS


When converting an idea and using a project template and the idea has a cost plan, and the billing currency on the template is different than the idea's billing currency an error will occur on conversion.  The project gets created in the template's billing currency not the idea's billing currency and cannot be changed as the cost plan is also copied over from the idea.


Done in Classic

1. Have at least 2 currencies enabled
       Enable multi-currency if needed and activate at least 2
2. Make sure you have a project template with a different billing currency than the idea's.
       Template is not financially enabled and therefore does not have a cost plan       
3. Create and Idea with a different billing currency
4. Financially enable it and create a manual cost plan
5. Submit for Approval and Approve idea and then 
6. Convert the idea using the template from step 2

Expected Result:  Project is created with the correct billing currency

Actual Result: Error: Billing Currency cannot be changed after cost plans have been created

Workaround:  Use different templates for each different billing currency

Note the same issue occurs in MUX but the error is different.


Prior to 16.2 ideas were able to be converted with a different billing currency.



Reported as DE116107.  Currently under review.