If you try to create a path for a package like:
hcrtpath -b <brokername> -prompt -rp '<repository path>' -en '<projectname>' -st <state> -cipn 'Check-in' -p <packagename>
this fails with:
E03020674: View Path <parent viewpath> is invalid or not visible in the current working view.
E03060019: Process Execute failed. Process Name: Check-in .
Repository.CreateItemPath() failed.
If you move inside the workbench to project '<projectname>', open the view for the first state and select "Create Path" from the context menu, it works.
The user performing the hcrtpath command is part of the administrator group.
The difference between both seems that the workbench-variant creates an sql with
The CLI version has no upper() and fails.
This occurs with and without patch CAHarvestSCMV145_01Patch_Server.
Harvest Software Change Manager v14.5
Before upgrading the "-vcoptflag13" option had been added to the HServer.arg file to correct a specific performance problem. After upgrading this option is no longer needed.
Removing the "-vcoptflag13" option from the HServer.arg file and restarting the broker resolved the problem.