Spectrum custom menu missing from UI for selection
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Spectrum custom menu missing from UI for selection


Article ID: 371645


Updated On:


DX NetOps CA Spectrum


Custom menu not appearing

We have configured a custom menu item to launch back to another application. It should appear in the right click menu from Events in the Events tab.

This same configuration is present in production and works, but in the lab environment it fails to appear.


All supported DX NetOps Spectrum releases


Columns used in the custom column XML code are not displayed in the OneClick UI.


All columns used in the custom column XML code must be present in the UI.

In the example here the $SPECROOT>/tomcat/webapps/spectrum/WEB-INF/console/config/custom-menu-config.xml file is configured to add a new entry to the right click options for Events.

The XML uses these column values:

  • <column-name>Created On
  • <column-name>Name
  • <column-name>Event Type
  • <column-name>Event

If any of these columns aren't visible in the Event tab in the OneClick UI when right clicking on an Event, the custom menu item will not appear.

Additional Information

See the Customizing the OneClick Console Menu documentation topic for additional information.