Portal Installations Hangs on DB schema update is needed
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Portal Installations Hangs on DB schema update is needed


Article ID: 371632


Updated On:


CA API Developer Portal


When running the portal.sh, the process is running long. 

# ./portal.sh
Removing secret TSSG_SSL_KEY_PASS
Creating secret TSSG_SSL_KEY_PASS
Removing secret HTTPD_SSL_KEY_PASS
Creating secret HTTPD_SSL_KEY_PASS
Creating network portal_db
Creating service portal_db-upgrade
Creating service portal_db-upgrade-rbac
Checking to see if DB schema update is needed.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


API Portal 5.2.3
MySQL 8.0.X (using an appliance gateway)


The portal cannot connect to a MySQL database that is using the caching_sha2_password authentication plugin. When using the gateway appliance as DB server, the default authentication plugin is set to caching_sha2_password (by default). This will need to be updated to use the mysql_native_password authentication plugin.


On the gateway appliance:

1. Edit the /etc/my.cnf file
2. Change the default_authentication_plugin from caching_sha2_password to mysql_native_password
3. Save the file
4. Restart the MySQL service: service mysql restart
5. Log in to MySQL
6. Run the following command: ALTER USER username@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'somepassword';

Then proceed to complete the portal installation.