Jaspersoft clarity configuration fails with profile attribute dwhDBServerURLAttr1_enc
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Jaspersoft clarity configuration fails with profile attribute dwhDBServerURLAttr1_enc


Article ID: 371624


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


User are not able to run reports in any of their environments. They can however navigate to advance reporting but the bean connections are not successful. 

  • The Jaspersoft admin commands fail an error relating to the DWH bean URL attribute 1: dwhDBServerURLAttr1_enc


    Failed to update: jasperParameters
    java.lang.Exception: Failed to update properties on the Jaspersoft server. Error in deleting profile attribute dwhDBServerURLAttr1_enc. Reason:
    at com.ca.clarity.union.jasper.util.JasperUtils.updateJasperParameters(JasperUtils.java:114 

  • Deleted the profile attributes against jasperadmin user in advanced reporting and ran the admin update jasperParameters command and noticed 5 of the profile attributes populating and then failing.

  • Any update on the CSA also currently throws a NSA error with jasper server update failure to delete profile attribute dwhDBServerURLAttr1_enc


Clarity 16.2.2 with JRS 8.1.1 on Oracle 19


Due to a security hardening process, a change was made to Jaspersoft Tomcat web server configuration. The tomcat /conf/web.xml got a new entry to restrict REST Calls via DELETE and OPTIONS. As a result, the DELETE call was not allowed and caused the issue regarding the attribute updation/deletion.


The resolution was eventually to revert from the security hardening change made to the Jaspersoft tomcat configuration. Jaspersoft_Tomcat_directory/conf/web.xml:




<web-resource-name>restricted methods</web-resource-name>





<auth-constraint />





<web-resource-name>restricted methods</web-resource-name>




<auth-constraint />
