Export to CSV does not contain correct data when 'Show Total Row' is set to True
Export to CSV does not contain correct data when 'Show Total Row' is set to True
Article ID: 371614
Updated On: 09-12-2024
Clarity PPM On PremiseClarity PPM SaaS
Steps to Reproduce:
In the Modern UX -> Create a New Project. Set Department. Set Location
Create a Cost Plan. Display the following columns in the Cost Plan Details
Actual Cost
Cost Variance
Populate the Cost Plan Details with more than one row of data. Populate it also with more than one month of data. Only the 'Cost' column need to have data in it
Click on View Options -> Set 'Show Total Row' to True
Export the Cost Plan Details to CSV
Expected Results: The data shown in the CSV export is same as that in the Cost Plan Details
Actual Results: The data in CSV export is misaligned. There is a right shift in data, in the 'Cost' column