Password/PassPhrase validation not performed during login via XMS using VTAM APPLID
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Password/PassPhrase validation not performed during login via XMS using VTAM APPLID


Article ID: 371543


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I can enter into VIEW without specifying a password on the login credentials panel. If I just enter a valid RACF userid I am able to successfully logon to VIEW.

We are logging on to VIEW through an XMS task via VTAM APPLIED.

How can we configure XMS so that users must enter a password, and have RACF perform password validation?


View, 14.0, vtam, xms, ebc, cross communication, logon, login, password, validation, pass phrase, lgnsec, racf, top secret, acf2, security, signon


XMS task configuration problem.


- When you configure your XMS task with "LGNSEC=YES" , validation is ONLY done on the USERID, not the password. (Excerpt from View documentation below):

External security checking is performed using SAF calls.
External security verifies userid only for all cross-memory interfaces (with no interruption to the user)...

- Instead of above, if you want both USERID and PASSWORD to be validated, try changing your XMS task configuration to "LGNSEC=YESP" or "LGNSEC=PPHRASE" and see if that gets you the functionality that you need. (Excerpts from View Documentation below):

External security checking is performed using SAF calls.
External security verifies userid and password for all cross-memory interfaces (with no interruption to the user).
A panel is presented to the user to verify the userid and password. This panel is only presented when the user interface does not automatically send the userid and password to the XMS region.

External security checking is performed using SAF calls.
External security verifies userid and password phrase for all cross-memory interfaces (with no interruption to the user).
A panel is presented to the user to verify the userid and password phrase. This panel is only presented when the user interface does not automatically send the userid and password phrase to the XMS region.