Issue when upgrading Aria Automation Config from version 8.16.2 in vrLCM
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Issue when upgrading Aria Automation Config from version 8.16.2 in vrLCM


Article ID: 371542


Updated On: 07-09-2024


VMware Aria Suite


When upgrading Aria Automation Config in vrLCM from 8.16.2 to 8.17.0 you may notice that the upgrade does not complete successfully. If check the /var/log/raas/raas log on the Config appliance you may see an error like the following:


2024-06-26 14:57:08,914 [raas.utils.logging                                                ][ERROR   :496 ][MainProcess:1322082] An un-handled exception was caught by raas's global exception handler:
InternalError: (psycopg2.errors.DependentObjectsStillExist) cannot drop extension pgcrypto because other objects depend on it


Aria Automation Config 8.16.2


This is due to a known defect when attempting to drop the pgcrypto extension from Postgresql. 


Run the following command from the postgres spl Aria Automation Config database after backing up the Aria Automation Config database/server and then retry upgrading Aria Automation Config from vrLCM.

1. Log in to the appliance via SSH

2. Connect to the Postgresql database by running 'psql -U postgres -h'

3. Connect to the Aria Automation Config database by running '\c raas_xxx'

4. Run ‘DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS pgcrypto Cascade;’