The Reporter Execution extraction fails with the following error in Reporter Server log (<reporter_server>/logs/server.log) since the upgrade to Reporter 6.10.x:
[ERROR] 07 May 2024 15:31:07 [pool-x-thread-y] com.orsyp.reppub.server.command.rep.ReporterExtract$1 - com.orsyp.reppub.common.exception.ServerException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.orsyp.reppub.server.reporter.extractor.owls.OwlsExecutionsExtractor$VariableInserter cannot be cast to com.orsyp.reppub.server.reporter.extractor.owls.OwlsExecutionsExtractor$MessageInserter
The command used to launch the extractions is the following:
$UNI_DIR_ROOT/reporter_client/exec/uxrepadd EXT -REPNODE "Reporter_Node" -PRODUCT "ALL" -UVMS "ALL"
The Reporter Extraction Parameters values on this case are:
extractMessagesDuas = true
extractParametersDuas = true
extractVariablesDuas = true
maxParallelExtractions = 100
Reporter Server 6.10.x
Defect: when multiple extractions are running having sufficient load and more than one extract variable is set to True then there is a chance of having this exception.
Upgrade Reporter Server to version 6.10.121 and then replace the attached RepServerJava.jar file on the subfolder exec and restart Reporter.
The error should no longer occur and concurrent extractions should work correctly.
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Fix version(s):
Component: Reporter Server
Dollar Universe 6.10.122 - Planned to be released November 2024
Defect ID: DU_AS-7634
Public Description: A problem was solved where Reporter Concurrent Extractions could fail with ClassCastException when multiple Extraction Parameters are enabled