Testing the TSS on z/OS 2.5 and z/OS 2.3.
The reported that the following error on RACF environments when NJE job submitted.
ICH408I USER(user-id) GROUP(OMVSGRP ) NAME(user name)
ICH408I USER(user-id ) GROUP(TESTGRP ) NAME(user name)
 SUBMITTER(user-id )
This error occurs when GROUP information is propagated from TSS to RACF
and the corresponding GROUP does not exist on the RACF side.
This problem occurred the following condition.
TSS (z/OS v2.3) => RACF (z/OS v2.5)
TSS (z/OS v2.5) => RACF (z/OS v2.3)
TSS (z/OS v2.5) => RACF (z/OS v2.5)
The following cases was not occur this problem when the NJE job submitted.
RACF (z/OS v2.5) => RACF (z/OS v2.5)
RACF (z/OS v2.5) => TSS (z/OS v2.5)
RACF (z/OS v2.5) => TSS (z/OS v2.3)
TSS (z/OS v2.3) => RACF (z/OS v2.3)
Release : 16.0
Environment : z/OS2.5 and z/OS2.3
This is the environment problem for the ACT/INACT of the JESJOBS in the RACF class between environments difference.
Review the ACT/INACT RACF of JESJOBS of RACF class.