What are the new features of Endevor 4.0?
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What are the new features of Endevor 4.0?


Article ID: 371491


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What are the new features and enhancements of Endevor V4.0?

When upgrading Endevor, customers can jump one or more versions and go directly to the last version of Endevor.

If upgrading from version older, it is recommended to review the Release Notes for all intermediate versions.

This document gives the list of the New Features and Enhancements for V4.0.


Every Releases from Endevor 4.0



The Enhancements and New Features for V4.0 are documented below;

Remember, if upgrading from version older, it is recommended to review the Release Notes for all intermediate versions.

If Release Information or notes are needed for versions prior to V4.0, please search for "What are the new features of Endevor" from the Support portal or contact Endevor Support.

  • UNIX System Services/Hierarchical File System (USS/HFS) Support:
    • Endevor now supports long path and file names. You can define path names of up to 768 characters, including upper- and lower-case characters and special characters as noted later in this document in Syntax for Long File and Path Names. Path names are valid for base, source-output, and include libraries. The actions that support long path names include ADD, UPDATE, and RETRIEVE.
      All element actions support long file names through Enterprise Workbench and the Application Programming Interface (API). The syntax for element names is described later in this document in "Syntax for Long File and Path Names."
  • Site Symbolics:
    • To implement support of long path names, Endevor now integrates the use of site-defined symbolics that can be referenced within dataset name specifications for type definitions on base, delta, source output, include libraries, and in processors. To implement the use of site-defined symbolics, you must define the symbolic and its data value in a table that is assembled and linked into an authorized load library. Once this is done, you need to update the C1DEFLTS table with the name of the site-defined symbolics table. These actions are described later in this document in the section, “Site-Defined Symbolics.”
      New Release 4.0 Features 1–1
      What’s New in Release 4.0?
  • Support for HFS JCL Parameters: The following JCL parameters can now be specified in a processor:
    • PATH
      These parameters are fully documented in the IBM JCL documentation.
      You can also use the DSNTYPE to create a PDSE data set.
  • Element Registration:
    • The element registration feature enables you to choose whether you want to restrict the use of the same element name at the subsystem or Processor Group level. Endevor provides two options that govern duplicate element names - one at the system and subsystem level and the other at the Processor Group level. You can implement one or both of these options. For information on this feature, see the section, “Element Registration,” later in this document.
  • Element Catalog:
    • Endevor incorporates the use of an Element Catalog file to support long element names and to boost performance by reducing the volume of I/O operations. Only one Element catalog is allowed and required per site. It is identified to Endevor via the ELMCATL field in the TYPE=MAIN section of the C1DEFLTS Table.
  • Automated Configuration Manager Query (ACMQ) Enhancements:
    • The ACM Query pop-up window has been enhanced to be more intuitive, to minimize data entry, and to be more consistent with the Endevor ISPF interface. Other ACMQ enhancements include:
      • The WHERE USED/COMPONENT USED query option has been enhanced to provide much faster search results.
      • The BUILD SCL option now supports the COPYBACK option of the BUILD GENERATE action.
      • The ACMQ where used report has been enhanced to include indirect references; that is, elements that are likely to use the object of your query.
        See “ACMQ Enhancements” later in this document for more information.
  • Quick Edit Selection List:
    • The Quick Edit Selection List is now automatically updated to reflect element changes occurring as a result of EDIT, GENERATE, MOVE, etc actions.
  • Email Notification:
    • Endevor enables you to generate email notification to users when their attention is required on a package for which they are a designated approver. Users can be notified when they have a package to approve and when their element signout is overridden. See the section, “Email Notification,” later in this document for more information.
  • AllFusion Change Manager Enterprise Workbench (Enterprise Workbench):
    • Enterprise Workstation, the browser-based front-end to Endevor and AllFusion Harvest Change Manager, enables you to perform actions on elements with long names or mixed case names. You can also perform actions on traditionally named elements as well as package actions through this new interface. See the section, “Enterprise Workbench,” later in this document for more information.
  • Improved Masking:
    • Endevor's name masking function now supports the use of both the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character and the percent sign (%) as a placeholder character. For more information on this feature, see the section, “Improved Masking,” later in this document.
  • New ISPF Selection List Options:
    • The following three new options have been added to the ISPF selection list. For additional information, refer to the User Guide.
      • EONLY: Allows you to filter any selection list in Endevor by either including or excluding rows that match the column filter value that you specify. Before using EONLY, you must build a select list from one of Endevor's scrollable list panels. To exclude for all rows beginning with a certain column value, type EONLY columnname value on the command line, where columnname is the name of the column you want to exclude, and value is the value that every row must have.
        Conversely, to exclude all rows not beginning with a certain column value, type EONLY -columnname value (note the minus sign), where columnname is the name of the column you want to sort by, and value is the value that no row can have.
      • EPRINT: Enables you to print a selection list by issuing the EPRINT command. The command sends the output to an ISPF listing data set.
      • ENCOPTBL Option: The option, ENHOPT NO_SYS_SBS_SELECTION_LIST=ON (OFF), enables the processing of all element selection lists to always bypass both the System and Subsystem lists and display a consolidated element selection list.
  • Processor Group Symbolic in Type Definition DSNAMES:
    • The processor group symbolic, &C1PRGRP, can now be used on the element type definition as part of the source output library or include library data set name specification. It cannot be used as part of the base or delta library data set name.
  • CAST and INSPECT Synchronization:
    • The CAST and INSPECT commands now perform the same checks when validating a package for execution.
  • Additional API Support:
    • The API Phase III now supports all package and element actions. A new started task, NDVRSAPI, enables the API Phase III to function as a specialized Endevor API server to support the Enterprise Workbench interface.
  • CA-7 Integration:
    • A new Endevor package function enables you to schedule package jobs for execution at a later time. For more information on this feature, see the section “CA-7 Interface for Package Execution,” later in this document.
  • Component Dependency Information Enhancements:
    • Informational messages (or Quick-Edit note line) indicate whether an element is referenced by other elements. This optional feature is activated in the ENCOPTBL module. For more information on this feature, see the section, “Enhanced Component Dependency Information,” later in this document.
  • Notify Utility:
    • The Notify Utility (BC1PNTFY) has been enhanced to support email notification. For more information on this feature, see the Utilities Guide.
  • Site Options Report:
    • A new site options report enables you to produce a listing of all your Endevor options settings, including C1DEFLTS, ESYMBOLS, ENCOPTBL, ENDICNFG, BC1TNEQU, and active Endevor User exits. For more information about this feature, see the section “Site Options Report” later in this document.
  • Catalog Rename Utility:
    • The Endevor MCF Catalog Rename Utility was created to allow you to change the catalog name in the MCF’s stage record. This utility should be run after you have created a new Catalog and have defined it to the C1DEFLTS table. For more information about this feature, see the section “Endevor MCF Catalog Rename Utility” later in this document.
    • CONCALL serves as a pass-through program that can be invoked by NDVRC1 and then call a user-designated program named in the EXEC PARM. In addition, CONCALL can invoke any program from a specific library. From CONCALL you can invoke user programs from non-authorized libraries. Programs that are invoked directly from NDVRC1 must reside in an authorized library. This enhancement enables you to bypass the STEPLIB (or LINKLST) residency requirement for the program specified in the execution parameter. As a result of this enhancement, CONCALL can be used to invoke any program from a specified library. It can also be used be used in conjunction with the NDVRC1 server program to invoke batch programs from a non-authorized library: