Leftover VMs on vCenter after TKGi cluster deletion
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Leftover VMs on vCenter after TKGi cluster deletion


Article ID: 371480


Updated On:


VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition


After successfully deleting a TKGi cluster, some of its VMs remain present on vCenter.

The orphan VMs and their associated VMDKs produce the following errors on vCenter Tasks:

Error caused by file /vmfs/volumes/vsan:<>/<>/disk-<>.vmdk


Most likely cause is momentary disconnection with vCenter during cluster deletion.

The following errors can be seen in the TKGi/Bosh deletion task:

{"time":1718879157,"error":{"code":100,"message":"Unknown CPI error ''Unknown'' with message ''Connection refused - Connection refused - connect(2) for \"<vCenter-FQDN-or-IP>\" port 443 (<vCenter-FQDN-or-IP>:443)'' in ''calculate_vm_cloud_properties'' CPI method (CPI request ID: ''cpi-658835'')"}}


Manually cleanup the leftover VMs on vCenter:

  1. Power off the VMs.
  2. Delete the VMs following the official Docs.