Using the DEFAULTS command to define defaults for Db2 object attributes, the Userid field is protected, preventing the user from defining defaults for other users or groups of users.
RC/Update for Db2 for z/OS (RCU)
RC/Migrator for Db2 for z/OS (RCM)
With the USERID field protected a user can only define personal defaults for their own ID.
This user only has Personal Defaults administrative privileges (PDAUTH).
To be able to view and change object definition defaults for any user, this user requires System Administrator administrative privileges (SYSADM).
This is done through Product Authorizations (option A) from the products Main Menu.
Once on the Product Authorizations panel, specify the TO ID that needs the access to the options that will be allowed (specify your userid).
Tab down to RC/Update (the privilege for this authority is shared between RC/Update and RC/Migrator), place an E(xplode) on the CMD line and press enter.
The following will be displayed:
___ RC/Update
___ Product Auths
___ Auth. Options
Place a Y next to ____ Auth. Options and press enter.
This will display the following screen:
RUPRCUAO 20.0 --------- RC/Update Authorization -------- yyyy/mmm/dd hh:mm:ss
For User ID ===>
---------------------- Use Of RC/Update Subcomponents ----------------------
Object Options DB2 RC
Create Alter Alter Drop Template
Storage Group ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Data Base ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Table Space ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Table ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Referential ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Index ===> Y Y Y Y Y
View/Join ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Synonym/Alias ===> Y Y Y Y
Trigger ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Sequence ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Procedure ===> Y Y Y Y Y
User Function ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Role ===> Y Y Y Y Y
Trusted Context ===> Y Y Y Y Y
******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************
-------------------- RC/Update Administrative Privileges -------------------
System Defaults Privileges Drop/Recovery Table Privileges
System Administrator ===> N Restrict Delete Function ===> Y
Personal Defaults ===> Y Model Service Privilege ===> N
Under the System Defaults Privileges at the bottom of the screen, change the System Administrator to 'Y'. This authority allows the user to view and to change object definition defaults for any user.
Hit Enter to save the authorization change.
Now when using the DEFAULTS command to define defaults for Db2 object attributes, the Userid field will be unprotected, allowing the user to define defaults for other users or groups of users.
For further details please refer to the following documentation: