Instructions to re-create a Content Library
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Instructions to re-create a Content Library


Article ID: 371391


Updated On: 07-04-2024


VMware vCenter Server


A user deletes a Local Content Library in Error & vCenter is reverted to snapshot:

1. Datastore status is unknown


2.  Trying to deploy a vm from the original Local CL fails with error

'The operation is not allowed in the current state.  Cannot instantiate library item' 'Cannot find storage backing of library'


vCenter Server 7.x
vCenter Server 8.x 


Deleting a content library will also delete the CL file from the Datastore.
A restore from snapshot will not restore the data on the Datastore


Steps to re-create the Local Content Library

Option 1

1. Create a new local content library

2. Clone VMs from the subscribed content library to the new local content library

3. Edit the settings of the subscribed content library and change the url to the new local content library url

4. Test deploying a VM to the new content library and sync the subscribed content libraries

5. Remove the original local content library if still present in content library inventory

Alternatively, if you are unable to clone VMs from the original subscribed CL to the new local CL

Option 2

A. Create a new subscribed content library from the original local content library if restored from snapshot

B. Clone the VMs from the new subscribed CL to the new local CL

C. Edit the settings of the subscribed CL and change the URL to the new local CL 

D. Test Test deploying a VM to the new content library and sync the subscribed content libraries