Error: Cluster Creation Failed (OR) No Error, the task doesn't complete
+ echo 'Waiting for kubeconfig to be available...'
Waiting for kubeconfig to be available...
Error: "ClusterName-kubeconfig" not found in namespace "NamespaceName": secrets "<cluster_name>-kubeconfig" not found
Connecting to [VMware_Cloud_Director_URL]
failed to authenticate using refresh token
panic: error logging into VCD: [unable to get swagger client from secrets: [unable to get bearer token from secrets: [failed to set authorization header: [Post "<VMware_Cloud_Director_URL>": dial tcp xx.xx.xx.xx:xxx: connect: connection timed out]
Container Service Extension 4.X/3.X
VMware Cloud Director 10.5.x
Network connectivity issue between VMware Cloud Director and CSE Server.
Here is the sequence of steps to diagnose a network issue between VMware Cloud Director and the CSE Server:
curl -k -v https://<VCD_URL>/oauth/provider/token
curl -k -v https://<VCD_URL>/oauth/provider
curl -k -v https://<VCD_URL>