When we run the nmap command from a remote machine to the EEM server to port 509. We can see "Anonymous bind OK"
nmap -Pn --system-dns -sV -p 509 <ipadresss of EEM server>
Starting Nmap 7.94SVN (https://nmap.org) at 2023-12-28 14:30 EST Nmap scan report for <ipadresss of EEM server>
Host is up (0.0013s latency).
509/tcp open ldap (Anonymous bind OK)
The anonymous bind is required while setting up the EEM cluster using eiam-clustersetup.jar file. Once the HA is setup, we do not need this for normal operations.
In the following file \Directory\dxserver\config\knowledge\itechpoz.dxc
We can find
auth-levels = anonymous, clear-password
The anonymous field is causing NULL Bind
The anonymous is required while setting up the EEM cluster using eiam-clustersetup.jar file. Once the HA is setup we do not need this entry for normal operations.
We take a backup of this file and then remove anonymous and then restart the EEM services. This will stop the anonymous bind to the 509 port