Make targets available for cloned security roles
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Make targets available for cloned security roles


Article ID: 371296


Updated On:


IT Management Suite


This article explains how to make targets available to some of your cloned security roles.


ITMS 8.x


We have the following article in our online documentation:

Creating or Modifying a Resource Target 

Here is a short description explaining how to make targets available for cloned security roles: 

Note: The name of targets and roles are fictional and are used as example only.

  1. Log in with an account that exists under the default "Symantec Administrators" role and verify that some other roles are in scope of this resource target as shown here:

  2. Now you need to log in under the "Cloned Admins role in 85 RU4" role to see if you have an access to this "~ only windows 2022 Server" resource target:

    Note: This role "Cloned Admins role in 85 RU4" isn't a member of any other roles.

  3. As you can see, this cloned "Cloned Admins role in 85 RU4" role still sees this resource target "Locked" icon and can't use it to assign to policies, etc:

  4. Now if the same roles are added as "member of" for this "Cloned Admins role in 85 RU4" role (Roles that are in scope of resource targets), the Resource target has these roles set as scoped:

  5. Now if the same roles are added as "member of" for this "Cloned Admins role in 85 RU4" role (Roles that are in scope of resource targets):

  6. Now the logged in "Cloned Admins role in 85 RU4" role has access to resource targets and there is no "Locked" icons:

    Note: If the cloned role will have the "Member Of" like "Symantec Administrators" role and will then have access to everything. This has worked this way in the past many releases and nothing new has changed.

Additional Information

"Targets are greyed out and Cloned Security Roles are no longer assigned to those targets". KB  281056