Job reports end with U00029003 Cannot open file Agent OS Java - Unix
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Job reports end with U00029003 Cannot open file Agent OS Java - Unix


Article ID: 371267


Updated On: 08-08-2024


CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine CA Automic One Automation Automic SaaS


Job reports end abnormally even though jobs complete successfully on the Agent OS Java - Unix

When you have Anonymous_* set to Y in the UC_HOSTCHAR and logon=n in the agent .ini,  the expectation is that the JOB login is not checked. However, the following behavior is observed:

Jobs are executed and end normally:

U02000008 Job 'JOB_UNIX' with RunID 'xxxxxxx' ended normally.
U02001026 Job 'JOB_UNIX' with RunID 'xxxxxxx' has been removed from the job table.

However, the report fails with the following error:

U00029000 Report 'xxxxxxx' for file '/<path>/temp/ODLKYTMR.TXT' has started.
U00029003 Cannot open file '/<path>/temp/ODLKYTMR.TXT', error code 'n/a', error description: ' User or password is invalid.'
U00045014 Exception ' " User or password is invalid."' at 'com.automic.agent.files.unix.UnixUserService.runAs():57'.
U00045015 The previous error was caused by ' "User or password is invalid."' at 'com.automic.os.process.unix.userservice.UserServiceDriver.doLogon():347'.
U00029002 Report 'xxxxxxx' ended abnormally.


Release: 21.x 24.x

Component: Agent OS Java 


This is caused by a defect on the UNIX agent when ANONYMOUS_JOB is set to Y, login_check set to no, and a password is incorrect in the login object used by a job


This defect has been fixed with the UNIX Agent release 24.1.0 HF3 and is planned for the 21.0.12 release.