GT Subset throws error: Database 'dbo' does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.
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GT Subset throws error: Database 'dbo' does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.


Article ID: 371215


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CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


In GT Subset, we are seeing an error related to the schema dbo, which is reported as:

Database Error Message:
Database 'dbo' does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

This only happen when connecting to a specific application. The connection from GT Datamaker 4.10.1001.0 works fine, and we are able to see all the tables in Subset. We also verified that the dbo schema exists for this database in SSMS.


All Supported release of GT SubSet

Microsoft SQL Server


This is a result of a typo in one or more of the table names of the source database.

Looking at the table structure of the Source database, we see a table with the name [dbo].dbo.nav_SystemAudit2024. SQL Server uses a dot delimited format to separate database names, schema names, and table names. Normally, the SQL Server structure would be [database].[schema].[tablename]. However, because the table name contains an extra  "dbo.", or to be specific, a "dot" (.) character, SQL Server is interpreting what normally would be seen as the schema name as a database name, which does not exist.


Best Practice: To resolve this issue, rename the table in question correctly, removing the reference to another database, by removing the "dbo." portion in the table name.

For example, change: [dbo].dbo.nav_SystemAudit2024 to [dbo].nav_SystemAudit2024

After making this change to the table in SQL Server, the GT SubSet extract ran as expected.

Note: If the table name cannot be renamed, to resolve this, you will need to upgrade to TDM 4.11, and apply the GT Subset to SubSet- patch. This patch contains a fix that allows for a "dot" character in the SQL Server table name.  The patch can be downloaded from the Test Data Manager (TDM) Support Patches page.