In some cases you may need to either migrate from one version of JAVA JDK to another, or upgrade to a newer version of the JDK.
These instructions are to update the JAVA JDK on an existing Siteminder Access Gateway Server.
PRODUCT: Siteminder
COMPONENT: Access Gateway
VERSION: r12.8.5 and higher
Occasionally it may be necessary to upgrade the version of the JAVA JDK version running on an existing implementation of the Siteminder Access Gateway Servers.
1) Download either AdoptOpenJDK or Oracle JDK version which supports your OS and version of the Siteminder Policy Server (See the Siteminder Supported Configuration Matrices)
2) Install the JAVA JDK on the Siteminder Access Gateway Server.
3) Modify the Siteminder Access Gateway environment variables to point to the new installation of the new JAVA JDK
1) Stop the Siteminder Access Gateway Server.
2) Browse to the Siteminder Access Gateway Configuration Folder
Default Path: <Install_Dir>/secure-proxy/proxy-engine/
3) Create a back-up of the "" file
4) Edit the "" file
Change the path for the environment variable "JAVA_HOME" to point to the new installation of JAVA JDK
EXAMPLE: JAVA_HOME=/opt/CA/jdk1.8.0_251
5) Save the changes to the "" file
6) Edit the '' environment variable script
PATH: <Install_Dir>/secure-proxy/
7) Save the changes to the '' file
8) Start the Siteminder Access Gateway Server.
1) Stop the Siteminder Access Gateway Server.
2) Create a back-up of the "SmSpsProxyEngine.Properties" file
Default Path: <Install_Dir>\secure-proxy\proxy-engine\conf\SmSpsProxyEngine.Properties
3) Edit the "SmSpsProxyEngine.Properties" file
Example: NETE_SPS_JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-
4) Save the changes to the "SmSpsProxyEngine.Properties" file
5) Create a back-up of the "ca_sps_env.bat" file
Default Path: <Install_Dir>\secure-proxy\proxy-engine\ca_sps_env.bat
6) Edit the environment variables script "ca_sps_env.bat"
Example: set SPS_JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk8u392-b08
7) Save the changes to the "ca_sps_env.bat" file
8) Start the Siteminder Access Gateway Server.