2024-06-28 07:20:57.422 ERROR 83890489 --- ›pool-3-thread-1® c.c.e.i.connector.rest.SpringRestClient : Request: GET https://Your.WebService-Instance.domain:port/EndevorService/rest/PROD (headers=›Accept:"application/json"®)
2024-06-28 07:20:57.422 ERROR 83890489 --- ›pool-3-thread-1® c.c.e.i.c.e.r.i.s.EndevorInstance : Invalid Endevor configuration response. RC: CODE_0020 Reason: 0004
All releases
This is caused by an error within the certificate for the Endevor instance that is being used in Bridge for git.
Enable a connection to Endevor Web Services.
Define a truststore for the running bridge for git instance if the certificate used in the Endevor web services is not included in the default truststore.