VIP Authentication Hub - FIDO IOS SDK Crash Observed
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VIP Authentication Hub - FIDO IOS SDK Crash Observed


Article ID: 371175


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VIP Authentication Hub


Crash Observed when signTransaction() function is being called  within the FIDO iOS SDK side
signTransaction(domainName: String, transactionData: String, assertionOptionsResponse: [String : Any], completionBlock: @escaping ((_ response: AuthHubFIDOSDK.AHFIDOResult) -> Void))


The crash happens in the following scenario:

* Login with username/password OTP, setup FIDO, logout and kill the app.
* Login with username/password OTP again with the ID although FIDO is setup.
* Try to do transaction signing, the app crashes inside the SDK.


AuthHub 3.1.1 


This crash can be caused if due to the app not properly initializing the SDK before the signTransaction() call.

Broadcom DEV will add additional logging in the next SDK release to print an error when SDK is not properly initialized.