Error: Unexpected system error trying to export metadata: null in AdminUI
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Error: Unexpected system error trying to export metadata: null in AdminUI


Article ID: 371159


Updated On:




Running AdminUI, and trying to export Metadata from Federation Entity, the AdminUI reports the error:

  Error: Unexpected system error trying to export metadata: null

This issue occurs by following these steps:

  • Create a partnership <partnership>, with a <local-idp> idp entity and <remote-sp> sp entity;
  • Click on Entities;
  • On the line of <local-idp>, click "Action", and select "Export Metadata";
  • In "Partnership Name", write <other-partnership>;
  • Click on "Export" button;



  Policy Server 12.8SP8CR0 on RedHat 7;
  AdminUI 12.8SP8CR0 on RedHat 7;
  Policy Store on CA Directory 14.1SP4;


Upgrade the AdminUI to 12.8SP8CR01 to benefit from fix DE591739 and solve this issue.

Remember: to run AdminUI 12.8SP8CR01, upgrade also the Policy Server and the Policy Store definitions to 12.8SP8CR01 too.