When configuring the network cards on a Hardware appliance after a reimage to gateway 11 , only two interfaces are showed in the ssgconfig menu , instead of all seven interfaces are showed .
Gateway 11.x
To resolve this the missing network cards needs to be added to the /etc/iftab file .
Open the file /etc/iftab in your Gateway machine with nano.
This file contains descriptive information about current network interfaces in your Gateway machine through a set of mappings.
In our example, we will edit the iftab file and add a new EXSi network interface and map the MAC address retrieved from ESX for this nic to the correct name
ssg_eth1 mac 08:00:27:6a:ea:3c
After adding the new connection, edit the new connection to use the new network interface name with the nmcli command:
$ nmcli con modify "Wired connection #" connection.interface-name "ssg_eth1"
(Optional) You can rename the connection name to ‘ssg_eth#’ to maintain consistency:
$ nmcli con modify "Wired connection #" connection.id "ssg_eth1"
Do this for all interfaces so you name them in the sequence you need
After a reboot all NIC are visible in the ssgmenu and can be configured