Lost access to the Roadmap navigation menu
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Lost access to the Roadmap navigation menu


Article ID: 371047


Updated On: 07-01-2024


Clarity PPM SaaS


Clarity users lost the roadmap menu item/workspace and can not navigate to the Roadmap module. This was accessible earlier. How can this be restored and how do we determine who made the change?




The roadmap menu item was removed from the Clarity administration side and restored.

There is no audit feature to trace this administration functionality. However to trace out the admin user behind the scenes the following SQL query will help:

SELECT last_updated_by FROM CMN_UI_MENU_ITEMS WHERE name='roadmaps'

Note that the last updated by field would be overwritten if the roadmap navigation menu correction is already made in the configuration.

Additionally, the clarity admin can monitor the app-access.log for the API call to locate the session id..

PUT /ppm/rest/v1/private/uiMenus/12

 To relate the session ID to the used you could query from the session id from the cmn_session_audit table.