A search request issued to the REST process might block the ILM switch in certain situations.
The REST process shows the following messages in its log file:
20240605/000007.225 - 31901 U00045098 Method 'POST', URL: 'https://REST_ENDPOINT/ae/api/v1/1001/search', received from IP: 'IP_address'
20240605/000007.263 - 92 U00003352 Processing of Server 'SYSTEM_NAME#CP039' ought to be stopped.
20240605/000007.781 - 89 U00045434 The current thread is waiting for a database connection (Processing has been stopped).
20240605/000013.271 - 91 U00045434 The current thread is waiting for a database connection (Processing has been stopped).
20240605/000013.271 - 90 U00045434 The current thread is waiting for a database connection (Processing has been stopped).
20240605/000107.228 - 31901 U00003434 Server routine 'SearchResource$$Lambda$397/0x000000034077fc40/rest-transaction' required '1' minutes and '0' seconds for processing.
20240605/000107.230 - 31901 U00045014 Exception 'com.automic.kernel.api.SendSyncException: "java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Wait for response of request 31114 timed out after 60 seconds."' at 'com.automic.kernel.impl.SenderImpl.sendSyncCall():519'.
20240605/000107.231 - 31901 U00045015 The previous error was caused by 'java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: "Wait for response of request 31114 timed out after 60 seconds."' at 'com.automic.kernel.impl.synccall.SyncCallDispatcherComponent.waitForResponse():61'.
20240605/000107.233 - 31901 U00003620 Routine 'com.automic.rest.provider.BaseExceptionMapper' forces trace because of error.
20240605/000107.247 - 31901 U00003450 The TRACE file was opened with the switches '0000000000000000'.
20240605/000108.123 - 31901 U00003449 Output to the TRACE file is finished.
20240605/000108.124 - 92 U00003347 Server 'SYSTEM_NAME#CP039': Message processing has stopped.
20240605/000108.124 - 31901 U00045099 The server replied with following status: '500'
20240605/000108.126 - 92 U00003346 Server 'SYSTEM_NAME#CP039': Message processing may continue.
20240605/000108.134 - 94 U00045159 Thread 'SyncWpCall-3563' has ID '32009'.
20240605/000108.136 - 32009 SyncCallDispatcherComponent: Did not find any exchanger for id 31114
20240605/000208.214 - 89 U00011852 Logoff 'USER/DEPARTMENT' ('1890014408'), client: '1001' (Connection='*CP039#00006111').
20240605/000354.832 - 31966 U00045098 Method 'POST', URL: 'https://REST_ENDPOINT/ae/api/v1/1001/search', received from IP: 'IP_address'
Automation Engine 21.0.X, 24.X.X
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Fix version:
Component(s): Automation Engine
Automation Engine 21.0.11 - Available
Automation Engine 24.2.0 - Available
Defect-ID: AE-37468
Public short description EN:
Search blocks ILM partition change
Public description EN:
A problem has been fixed where a search blocks an ILM partition change if the search was started directly before the partition change.