Checking if NetMaster API Service is active on region
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Checking if NetMaster API Service is active on region


Article ID: 371025


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NetMaster Network Management for TCP/IP


Is there any way to check if the NM API interface is active on a specific NetMaster region? 


NetMaster for TCPIP 12.2 and above


In order to check if the NetMaster API Service is enabled on a specific NetMaster for TCPIP region, you need to execute the following steps:

  1. Log on to the NetMaster region
  2. Type the /PARMS shortcut and press the ENTER key
  3. Browse (S or B line command) the "$NM NMAPI         NetMaster API Interface" parameter group, that can be found under the INTERFACES category:
  4. There you can check if the API interface is enabled or not:

Additional Information

The NetMaster API and Web Portal installation/configuration procedures can be found on the Installing section of the NetMaster® Network Management for TCP/IP 12.2 documentation.