We are using the TDM portal to connect to Db2 for z/OS. We have the connection setup but would like to isolate TDM threads for reporting purposes.
Right now, the correlationID shows as the generic 'db2jcc_appli'. Is it possible to change this value to something more specific to TDM?
Example Thread:
End User User ID : <username>
End User Workstation: xx.xxx.xxx.xx
End User Transaction: db2jcc_application
Requestor Location : ::FFFF:xx.xxx.xxx.xx
Extended Corr Token : ::FFFF:xx.xxx.xxx.xx.nnnnnn.DF4F118541B8
Product ID : JCCnnnnn
Client Platform : xx.xxx.xxx.xx
Client Application : db2jcc_application
Client Auth ID : <username>
DDCS Account Suffix : JCCnnnnnxx.xxx.xxx.xx
Corr ID db2jcc_appli
All Supported releases of TDM Portal
This is controlled by the DB2 driver. Adding clientProgramName=<Your_Program_Identifier> as an additional connection property will allow you to update the DB2 correlationID to whatever identifier you would like to use.
For example: